Richard E. "Dick" Johnson


Family of Richard E. Johnson Family
Richard E. Johnson Family

This is a photo of our family taken on a family cruise to the Mexican Riviera. We have been blessed with three children (two sons & a daughter), thirteen grandchildren and two great grand children.

I retired from the Electric Utility Industry in 2004. Once I retired, I then activated my post-retirement plan to join Jill in operating the travel agency which she had founded and operated for a number of years prior to my retirement. We enjoy traveling & cruising and helping clients who also enjoy doing the same. We have appreciated the opportunity to help plan and participate in each of the NCHS Reunion Cruises.


Colleges: The University of Montana 1964 – Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Cruise Line International Association (CLIA) '98, ACC & MCC Certifications
High School: New Concord High School 1960
Professional Affiliations: Heritage Life Member of the Washington Public Utility District Association, American Public Power Association, Cruise Line International Association

Employer: TravelEz (Cruise & Travel Agency)

Position: Co-owner / Manager
Location: Kennewick, WA
Description: CLIA Certified Cruise Agency booking clients on cruise and cruise tour destinations throughout the world.

Employer: Snohomish Public Utilities
Position: Chief Executive Officer / Director of Construction, Operations & Engineering
Location: Everett, WA
Description: Distribution Utility for Electricity & Water with 250,000 customers 30 miles north of Seattle with owned electricity generation via the Jackson Hydroelectric Project.

Employer: Energy Northwest
Position: Generation Resource Development Director
Location: Richland, WA
Description: Wind, Solar, Hydroelectric, & Thermal generation resource development – Developed the largest public power wind generation project in the United States.

Employer: Eastern Washington University
Position: Director of Physical Plant / Director of Purchasing & Contracts
Description: Responsible for all University contracts & purchasing functions and for construction & maintenance of all campus building, grounds, electrical & HVAC systems.

Employer: Self –Employed – Commercial Apple and Pear Orchards in North Central Washington State
Position: Owner/Operator
Location: Oroville, WA
Description: Growing & Packing Commercial Fruit for Domestic & International Consumption