Classmates with Surnames beginning with L through P

Marcus Leon Lawson

Chandlersville High School 9-11.

Nancy Jean Leeper

Choir; Office.

Clata Otto Luburgh

Football 9-12; Track 11; Lettermen's Club 10-12.

Robert Lee March

Band 9-12; Choir 9-12; Ensemble 12; Boys' Chorus 11, 12; Track 11; Senior Play 12.

Virginia Jane Marquis

Choir 11, 12; Ensemble 12; Girls Chorus 11, 12; Librarians Club 12; Senior Play 12; Belle Valley 9, 10.

Carol Ann McAfee

Social Chairman 11, 12; Band 10-12; Marjorette 10-12; Choir 11, 12; Girls' Chorus 11; Y-Teens 12; Homecoming Queen 12.

Donald Alfred McConnell

Hi-Y 10-11; Football 9, 10; Track 9, 10.

Daniel Eugene McFee

Band 9, 10; Football 12; Basketball 10; Lettermen's Club 12.

Harry Herbert McKirahan

Secretary 10; Band 9-11; Choir 9, 10, 12; Boys' Chorus 10; Hi-Y 9-12; Cabinet 12; Play 12; Football 9-11; Basketball 10; Track 9-11.

John Rusking Mehaffey

Hi-Y 9; Football 9, 11, 12; Track 11; Lettermen's Club 12; FFA 9-12; FFA Convention 10.

John Phillip Mikolajcik

Hi-Y 10-12; Football 9-12; Basketball 10; Track 9-12.

Linda Lou Mitchell


Wilmer Kenneth Mitchell

Hi-Y 11.

Nancy Jane Moyer

Social Chairman 9; Band 9-12; Council 12; Choir 9; Y-Teens 9-12; Cabinet 11, 12; Conference 11, 12.

Raymond Wayne Muse

Hi-Y 9; FFA 9-11; Football 9.

Janina Louise Neptune

Treasurer 9; Secretary 11, 12; Choir 9, 11, 12; Girls' Chorus 9, 11; Y-Teens 12; Leaders Club 10-12; Office 12.

Robert Earl Neptune

Student Council 11; Football 9-12; Track 10; Lettermen's Club 12; FFA 9-12; Officer 11, 12.

Ross Oakley, Jr.


Nina Ruth Oliver

Choir 10, 11; Girls' Chorus 10, 11; Y-Teens 9-12; Cabinet 11, 12; President 12; UN Study 12; Cheerleader 9-12; Leaders Club 10-12; Librarians Club 9; Homecoming Attendant 12; Necohian Queen 12; Maid of Honor 11; Girls' State 11; National Honor Society 12.

Alton Duane Parks

Student Council 9, Vice President 12; Hi-Y 11, 12; Play 12; Football 10; FFA 0-12; Officer 10-12, President 12; Convention 9-12.


James Hugh Patton

Hi-Y 11, 12; Football 9, 10; FFA 9-12.

Thelma Sue Powelson

Adamsville High School 9.

Beverly Jo Anne Prouty

Y-Teens 11, 12; Chandlersville High School 9, 10.