50th Reunion
Dear Classmates and Friends;
Fifty years ago, on June 1, 1960, we passed a milestone in our young lives; we graduated from New Concord High School. We came from Otsego to the north, Rich Hill to the south, Pike and Westland to the east, Perry, Sonora and Norwich to the west and New Concord Elementary in the middle, to make up our one hundred member graduating "Class of 1960".
We came as strangers and left as friends. We came from all walks of life and left to travel the walk of life. We were the class with pep, we were the class with go, we are the "Class of 6-0".
Representatives of your graduating class are working as a committee to plan a GRAND reunion to celebrate our graduation fifty years ago.
We are planning a three-day event and you are welcome to attend all or part of these events.
Friday. August 6, 2010, we are planning our reunion/dinner at our old high school gymnasium at 4 Stormont St., New Concord. You will notice a big change has taken place here in the past 50 years. Stormont St. is a one way street going south now, so you will need to go up College Drive, left on W. High St and left on Stormont St. to get to the school. There is a parking lot opposite the school building. We can also park on both sides of Stormont Street. There is an elevator on the ground level if needed.
We will meet at 6 O'clock PM for Social Hour, 6:45 PM will be a short Memorial Service and then a Buffet Dinner will be at 7 O'clock PM. Our class picture will be taken and we hope to have the local newspaper present. We will have the "chinese auction'' as usual, so bring your favorite homemade or purchased item to share. We will also have a half/half drawing. Bring your family picture and any memorabilia from our school days to share.
Saturday, August 7, 2010 - 2:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. will be the New Concord High School Alumni Reunion 1929-1962, at John Glenn High School. Our class will be featured for our 50th year. Be sure to mail your reservations for this reunion to George St. Clair, 110 East Main Street, New Concord, OH 43762. (You should have received this information by now). Contact George at (740) 826-4001 if you did not receive this letter and he will make sure that you get the information. At 8:30 P.M., our class will have a cocktail party at the John & Annie Glenn Museum on Main Street, New Concord, featuring Larry Farrar's homemade wine and Hors d'oeuvres by Todd St. Clair. There is no cost to you for this party.
Sunday, Aug. 8, 2010, we will meet at 8 AM in the lounge at the Days Inn at Cambridge for a free continental breakfast and our last visit before everyone returns home.
We have eighteen rooms reserved at the Days Inn at 2328 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge, Ohio. You should call 1-740-432-5691 before July 15, 2010 to reserve your room. Mention you are with the New Concord Class of '60. We cannot guarantee you a room after July 15th.
Please complete and return the following questionnaire whether or not you plan to attend, to: Russ & Betty Hardy at 3550 Moose Eye Road, New Concord, Ohio 43762 before July 1. 2010. If you are unable to attend you can receive a copy of our program in the mail by enclosing $5.00 with your completed questionnaire.
We hope you will be able to attend all or part of the planned activities for our 50th reunion. We're looking forward to renewing old acquaintances once again.
Your reunion planning committee,
George, Barbara, Roy, Donna, Billie, Russ, Betty, Larry & Wayne